Monday 30 October 2017

When I got out of bed I went down stairs the door slammed i knew I was not by my self. My sister jumped out at me
"Amy you scared me"
"I know"
"don't do that again"
As I walk up stairs my shouted 
"maybe you can play outside
I went went outside my sister came she got hit by a branch and she rock up in the hospital.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

                                                                  the lake
after school there was two kids I was in my blue pants and black boots. I was walking home the kids shoved me like a train was heading my way! I went flying into a wall that was geting worked on I went diving under debris I was trying too get out, a guy pushed the debris off me, I got home I had grass in my hair I looked like a monster.

I feel bad for pushing hem in I'll say sorry tomorrow.

"it's ok"

I was walking home then I got pushed then...

Wednesday 11 October 2017

"I got it when I was 9 it go's on my neck every day my dad gave it to me for a gift it lies on my shelf." "It use to have a thing hanging down like your hands when you drift off to sleep it's shiny like the  selver lining in the clouds! i'm scared of the clip breaking because it holds it together." "My dad has one to so we can match he love's his just as much as I love mine it's like a hart you cant fix because it will never be the same." what is it?

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Halloween night

When I got  out of bed it was Halloween I got my bag set out to get a lot of candy.  But at that very moment I saw girl and her dog, and the dog was wearing glasses I went up to her said hi my names kay what’s yours she looked scared. She said my name is then she ran away with her dog, An hour  went by I said I need candy so I went to 15 houses before going home. My dad said that’s a lot of candy. Before I could have a bit of candy my dad at it all